Google’s new ranking system will be run in real time and will work on a page-by-page basis. When the Google spider crawls through all the websites over the week after April 21st, it will immediately rank the website as Mobile-Friendly, or not Mobile-Friendly.
At present, a website that is not “Responsive Design” or “Mobile Friendly” has risk of being downgraded in the Google search results … and yes … that’s how Google announced it recently, as it gives a “mobile friendly” label to websites that meet a certain number of criteria. As of April 21, 2015, if they do not meet the criteria, then the website is most likely to be penalised …
To overcome this, you have designed your website “Mobile Friendly” using “Media Queries”? The preview is going very well in tools such as “Responsinator” or the Firefox tool “Web Developer tool bar” and in short any concerns are not displaying.
You put your site online, it works perfectly on mobile, tablet, etc., cool!
Now test it with the tool provided by Google: Optimisation Test Mobile Friendly and you will have an actual display of the results for your website according to Google’s formula.

Then if your website is not ranked as “mobile Friendly” you will see a not so impressive rating from Google.

No reason to panic 🙂
The problem is that in order to validate your theme as “Mobile Friendly” Google requires access to your CSS resources to check if you are using the “Media Queries”.
Check your robots.txt file !. It may be that there are elements blocking access to those files.
If you see these two lines, delete them:
Disallow: / modules /
Disallow: / templates /
Clear the cache, then try to validate your site again.
Normally, if the work is done upstream , you will get:

If a problem still appears, remember to check your robots.txt file priority. This will prevent you from tearing your hair and you will save time!
Remember – Go here first and verify that your website is mobile-friendly: https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/mobile-friendly/
What to do if your website isn’t “Mobile Friendly”?
Of course, we are always here to assist if you need us so lodge a support request here if we can help in any way.
Until the next time